Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Solar Power Systems: Does Size Matter (Part 2)

In the previous post, we talked about the criteria to consider when deciding on the size of solar power system you will need. Today, we’re going to dig into the different levels of offset you can garner for your energy bills with solar power.

So let’s kick this off with a question: How much coverage do you want?

90-100% Bill Offset
If, based upon the criteria outlined in the previous post, your family plans to use more electricity over the next ten years, or if your goal is to eliminate your home’s energy usage from your carbon footprint entirely, this is the amount of offset you will need. One bonus of this is that if your solar production levels end up exceeding the needs of your home, you can also use this to offset other personal energy use that is not tied to your home in order to work toward a low-to-zero personal carbon footprint!

80% Bill Offset
This is the sweet spot. It is generally acknowledged that the ideal bill coverage is 80%, as it serves to drop the electrical usage of most average homes into the lowest (and least expensive) tier of billing rates. With the “Time of Use” billing structure, which is measured with special meters that calculate how much and when electricity is used, 80% of bill coverage is the level at which the solar power system pays for itself the fastest for most homeowners.

70% Bill Offset
This is a very cost-effective way to go if you are planning to use less electricity, conduct a Home Energy Audit or are short on roof space for the number of solar panels needed to fully offset your electricity usage. This option allows you to go solar now to take advantage of government rebate programs so you can lock-in low energy costs. Even if your energy usage drops up to 30% over time, this size system makes economic sense since you will already enjoy low monthly energy bills immediately with a faster ROI thanks to your new solar power system!

Whether your offset goals are moderate or aggressive, there is a solar power system that is right for you. If you have questions, schedule a free solar power evaluation, and we’ll help you decide which size system you need.

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