Friday, August 20, 2010

Solar Advocacy

They say that sometimes, it’s all about whom you know. But when you’re hoping to affect positive change within a long-established sector like the electric power industry, it might be more accurate to say that it’s really about advocacy.

Having an effective advocate by your side can make an incredible difference in opening minds, sharing information, and growing support for a burgeoning industry. In that vein, we in the Westinghouse Solar family were thrilled when we announced recently that internationally recognized environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will be joining our Board of Advisors.

Extending his family’s longstanding legacy of support of the arts, human rights, and health care, Mr. Kennedy has devoted much of his career to environmental stewardship. His work with Riverkeeper, a clean water advocacy group in New York, and the Waterkeeper Alliance, dedicated to protecting water from polluters, has established him as a tireless supporter of environmental preservation efforts. In recent months he has also spoken out strongly on the Gulf oil spill, coal mining, and alternative energy sources.

So to our new friend and colleague we say, Welcome. We look forward to working together to bring solar to rooftops across America, and to help create new jobs through our industry’s continued growth.

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